Fast Track to Java EE 5 with Servlets,JSP & JDBC on Tomcat/Eclipse
Course Description
Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE 5) is a powerful platform for building web applications. The Java EE platform offers all the advantages of developing in Java plus a comprehensive suite of server-side technologies. This course tells you what you need to know to design and build your own web applications. You`ll learn the details of the key Java EE technologies and how to leverage the strengths of each, with special focus on Servlets and JSP. At the same time, you`ll be learning about the big picture of Java EE and how to design web applications that are robust, efficient, and maintainable. If you want to deliver an application on the web, you`ll find this course essential. All labs are done with the Eclipse IDE, and the lab instructions include detailed directions for setting up and using it. The standard application server used is Tomcat, but it is available for all major app servers, including GlassFish, JBoss AS, IBM WebSphere AS, and Weblogic AS.
Duration: 5 days
A working knowledge of Java.
Java EE Introduction
Java EE Overview
Java EE Technologies
Java EE Architecture
Web Application Basics
How the Web works, Thin Clients, TCP/IP
HTTP overview, Brief HTML review
Overview of J2EE
Web Applications - Structure and Contents
Servlet Basics and Capabilities
Basics of Writing a Servlet
Servlet API
HTML Forms Review
HTTP Review: Request-response, headers, GET, POST
Overview: How Servlets Work
Additional Servlet Capabilities
Working w/ HttpServletResponse
Error Handling: Error Pages and Their Configuration
JavaServer Pages
Basics and Overview
Model View Controller (MVC)
Servlets as Controllers
Data Sharing in a Web App
JSP Expression Language (EL) and Data Access
jsp:include, jsp:forward, the page Directive
Using Custom Tags
Custom tags overview
Reducing JSP complexity
Tag Libraries
HTTP Session Tracking
HTTP Session Overview
HTTP as a stateless protocol
Hidden form fields
More JSP Capabilities
Error Pages
JSPs as XML Documents
Scriptlets – Overview and Usage
More JSTL and EL
More about JSTL
Core, Formatting, SQL, XML, Functions Libraries
Custom Tag Architecture and Tag Library Structure
More about JSTL
More about the JSP EL
Formatting: formatNumber, formatDate, Resource Bundles
Using Common Tags
J2EE Security Overview
Role Based Security
Declarative Security
Web Authentication - Basic, Form-Based, Digest, HTTPS Client
Using Basic Authentication
Using Form-Based Authentication
Programmatic Security - HttpServletRequest, Retrieving Roles
Additional Topics
Design Issues
Custom Tags Using Tag Files
Servlet Filter Overview
Java ServerFaces (JSF) Overview
JDBC Introduction
Relational Database and JDBC Overview
JDBC Architecture, JDBC API Overview
Connecting to a database
Data Access with JDBC
DAO – Data Access Objects, O-R Mapping, Value Objects
Processing Database Data
JDBC Driver Types
Advanced Topics
Java Persistence API Overview
Advanced JDBC Features
Batch Updates, Scrollable Result Sets, Row sets, User Defined Types, BLOBS, CLOBS
Java EE Database Integration
Environment Naming Context (ENC) and Resource Injection
JNDI Overview and the ENC
Connecting servlets to a database via DataSource
Connection Pooling
Additional Topics
EJB Overview
High-level EJB architecture
Roles within EJB
Client view of a session bean
JNDI (Java Naming and Directory Interface)
Remote and Home Interfaces
Writing an EJB client
XML and Web Services Overview
Design Considerations: Web Design, System Architecture, Scalability, Clustering