Introduction to Spring 5 and Spring MVC/REST
Course Description
Spring 5 provides an evolutionary advance of Spring's powerful capabilities. This course introduces these capabilities, as well as providing guidelines on when and how to use them. It includes coverage of the three main configuration styles: Java-based (@Configuration), annotation-based (@Component), and the traditional XML-based configuration that may still play an important role in existing and new projects.
Duration: 5 days
Audience: Java developers who need to work with Spring based applications
Prerequisites: A good working knowledge of basic Java, JDBC, and Servlets/JSP
The standard platform does all labs with the Eclipse IDE, and the lab instructions include detailed directions for setting up and using it. The course can be made available for all major development environments, including IBM RAD and IntelliJ.
Introduction to Spring
Overview of Spring Technology
Spring Introduction
Dependencies and Dependency Injection (DI)
Configuration in Depth
Java Based Configuration (@Configuration)
Integrating Configuration Types
Bean Scope and Lifecycle
Externalizing Properties
Spring Boot Overview
maven and Spring
Spring Boot Structure
Spring POMs with Boot Parents
Spring Boot Starters
Other Capabilities
Spring Testing
Testing and JUnit Overview
Spring TestContext Framework
Spring and Spring Data with Hibernate/JPA
Overview of Spring database support
Configuring a DataSource
Using Spring with Hibernate
Using Spring with JPA
Spring Data Overview
Using Spring Data
Spring Transaction (TX) Management
Declarative TX Management (REQUIRED, etc.)
TX Scope and Propagation
Pointcut-based Configuration of Transactions
Spring Web Integration and Intro to Spring MVC
Java EE Web App Integration
ContextLoaderListener and WebApplicationContext
Web MVC Overview
Spring MVC Basics
Additional Spring MVC Capabilities
@ModelAttribute and Reference Data
Forms and Binding, Spring Form Tags
Sessions and @SessionAttributes
Validation / JSR-303
RESTful Services with Spring
REST Overview and Principles
REST and Spring MVC
Requests and Responses
Ajax Overview
Working with JSON and XML
Generating JSON
Generating XML
Content Negotiation
Java Clients for RESTful Services
Client Requirements and Spring's RestTemplate
getForObject() / getForEntity()
Other RestTemplate Methods
Accessing Headers / exchange()
Common REST Patterns
GET: Read
POST: Create
PUT: Update
DELETE: Delete
Programming on server side, and client side (with RestTemplate)
Additional New Features in Spring 5
Updates to Spring Core
WebFlux / Reactive Web Framework
[Optional] XML Specific Configuration
Collections - lists, sets, etc.
Additional Capabilities