JUnit Training Courses

Java Test-Driven Development All developers want to build good quality software but not all developers test their software as they go along. Why not? A common explanation is I don`t have time to write tests! The more pressure they feel, the fewer tests they write. This leads to less accurate and stable code, less productivity, less confidence and, ultimately, more pressure. It`s a vicious cycle. This course is designed to help you break out of the cycle by embracing unit-testing and, in particular, test-driven development. We will introduce the techniques and the tools necessary to prove your code as you go along.
Using Selenium and Practical Workshop Three day course on Selenium 3.0. The first two days are instructor led and the third day provides an opportunity for hands-on learning, putting into practice the learning from the course.

Selenium allows both developers and testers to automate tests against applications and execute them against multiple browsers. This course aims at providing a solid foundation to the attendee in understanding automated testing using Selenium.

The objectives of this course are not only to teach what the tool is capable of doing, but to focus on the practical steps required to make automation using Selenium work. The course provides a hands-on walkthrough to allow attendees to understand the steps in making Selenium function in the real world.

The consumer is putting increasing demands on organisations to deliver applications across many devices, browsers and platforms. With Increasing pressure being put on test tool budgets, IT professionals are looking to the open source market for test automation tools.